My intent was to operate EDCGuyd separate from ToolGuyd, and to feature more EDC-related content. Unfortunately, time constraints have made it difficult to post new content in a timely manner. Additionally, there seems to be an over-emphasis on tools, rather than things like watches, wallets, bags, writing implements, and so forth.
It was suggested in a ToolGuyd feedback request post that I merge the separate Tool-, EDC-, and OhMy- Guyd sites, and this sounds like a reasonable idea.
Here’s what will happen:
EDCGuyd content will be moved to ToolGuyd, with the exception of the wallet and non-tool product posts, which will probably go to OhMyGuyd. There is currently an EDC-related category, but I see what I can do to create a new custom EDC classification for easier navigation.
For those of you subscribed to the RSS feed, I might be able to create a filtered feed so that you continue to only see EDC-related content.
I apologize for the inconvenience, but I just cannot juggle updates for both sites at the moment. Perhaps one day I will be able to relaunch a standalone EDCGuyd, but at the moment it is not sustainable.
The merge won’t be immediate, but will happen sometime soon.
I think the merge makes sense.
I visit ToolGuyd as part of my morning coffee drinking / internet browsing time, although I often forget to visit EDCGuyd in my state of grogginess.